eDrawings™ software is a product design communication tool for sharing light-weight representations of both 2D drawings and 3D models.
The eDrawings Viewer allows viewing, printing, and reviewing of all types of eDrawings files. It is intended primarily to let people who do not use CAD software easily understand and navigate 2D and 3D product design data.
Publishing with eDrawings Professional extends the functionality of the eDrawings Viewer to include markup and measure, and the ability to publish eDrawings files as review-enabled. Recipients are then able to measure and mark up the eDrawings file using the eDrawings Viewer.
Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager can version eDrawings. Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager maintains links between an eDrawings file and the model or drawing from which it was derived. You must save the model or drawing before saving the eDrawings file so Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager can create the links between them.
You can save multiple eDrawings files with each version of a model or drawing. For example, you could have one eDrawings file for a design review and another for manufacturing.
eDrawings™ is a trademark of SolidWorks Corporation.
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