What is deployment?
Users download Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager from a central Software Distribution Server (SDS) when they receive your e-mail invitation to connect to the database. They can also receive updates from the same SDS every time they start Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager.
That way, you don't have to go from machine to machine to make configuration changes. Instead, you make changes on the server, and then tell Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager to deploy your work to all users.
In general, changes you make to attributes won't be seen by users before you start a deployment.
The following configuration changes prompt the system to create a new deployment:
• Assigning a number generator from the Number Generator Management screen.
• Assigning a number generator from the Attributes Management screen.
• Selecting a number generator from a pulldown list in the Attributes Management screen.
• Changing an attribute's Display Name from the Attributes Management screen.
• Changing an attribute's visibility (Show By Default) from the Attributes Management screen.
• Adding an attribute to a database class from the Attributes Management screen.
How do you know that you should create a new deployment? Whenever you make a change, the Deployments link in the left panel changes to Deploy Now.
If you attempt to exit Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager with changes pending, you receive a message that your changes have not been deployed (and the changes will not be saved). Click No to return to Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager and deploy your changes.
View deployment status
1. Click Deployments or Deploy Now (depending on whether you have made changes or not).
2. The Deployments screen shows you the list of pending changes, if any.
You can see the deployment history in the History pane, at the bottom of the screen. The State column shows the current status of the deployment:
◦ Configuring: The initial state of the deployment. Changes are pending.
◦ Waiting for deployment: The deployment changes have been submitted and are waiting to be processed.
◦ Processing: The deployment is being processed.
◦ Failed: The deployment failed.
◦ Deployed: The deployment completed successfully.
Deploy your pending changes
1. If you are not already on the Deployments screen, click Deploy Now.
2. Enter a change description for the deployment. This makes it easier for you to keep track of why changes were made.
3. Click Deploy.