How to > Advanced features and topics > Analyze > Measure
Measure: Advanced topics
Most measurements you will need are available simply by running your mouse over an edge, radius, or blend and looking at the small window at the lower right side of your viewport. Or, you can use Distance to measure distances between points or objects.
Otherwise, you can use the Measure tool to measure most elements you will encounter when designing solid models, from 2D points to moments of inertia. Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access displays graphical feedback for directions, vectors, axes, and so on to help visualize measurements.
Using measure
Measure is a tool that you can use throughout Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access. There are several uses for Measure:
As input for operations that use points, directions, vectors, axes, distances, and angles.
For exact measurements like length, mass, and volume.
As a general inquiry tool for measuring distances between parts, lengths of edges, and so on.
Some operations use the measure tool automatically. For example, the axis specification for Turn uses the Axis 3D CoPilot tool (with the unavailable options grayed out).
Browse through the topics at left to learn about measuring...
2D points, 3D points and the maximum 3D point
3D directions
3D axes
Mass properties
Blends or chamfers
Maximum distance
3D vectors
*In most cases, the measurements depend on the active catch mode.