How to > Analyze > Detect interference (clash)
Detect interference (clash)
Visualizing Parts that Clash
You may want to know if any of the parts of your assembly interfere or touch each other. Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access lets you view volumes of interference and areas of touching with the Clash button. Interference volumes and touching areas can be saved and treated as a separate part in the assembly. You can also check your model using the Detect Clearance command.
1. Click 3D Access and then, in the Window group, click the arrow next to Toolbars.
2. Click Modeling > Commands to activate the Modeling Commands toolbar.
3. In the Modeling Commands toolbar, click Clash. The Clash dialog box opens.
4. Select Clash in the Type box.
5. Under List vs List,
Click 1st Parts and identify the first part. For instance, /p1. You can do this by clicking on the part on your viewport, or by double-clicking on the part name in the structure browser.
Click 2nd Parts and identify the second part. For instance, /p2
6. Click View.
Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access displays a viewport showing the parts that are clashing (in red) or touching (in yellow).
An output window is also displayed giving the following information:


clashes with "/p2"=>



clashes with "/p1"=>

To close the output window, click Close. To close the temporary viewport, click OK.
If you click Keep Reslt, Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access creates a separate part out of the interference volume or touching area and adds it to the parts browser.
Press fit parts clash intentionally. You can clear Press Fit to see the results of clashing press fit parts.
3D Library parts such as screws, also clash intentionally. You can clear 3D Lib to see the results of clashing such 3D Library parts.
Clicking All in List, tells Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access to consider a list of parts, an assembly, parts in an assembly, or parts and an assembly.
The parts generated from touching areas are double-sided non-manifold shells (non-manifold shells with opposing normals on both sides). In subsequent modeling operations, they behave like any non-manifold solid.
Example: Identifying the interference with three clashing parts
Create an assembly similar to the following, such that there are three interfering parts.
Three Interfering Parts
1. In the Modeling Commands tool bar, click Clash. The Clash dialog box opens.
2. Click Clash (in Check Part).
3. Click All in List.
4. Click Parts.
5. Double click on a part in the viewport or in the structure browser.
6. Click Parts again and repeat step 5, until all of the parts you want to check are highlighted in the viewport.
7. Click View.
Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access displays a viewport showing the interference volume in red, as in the following:
Example: Interference Part
An output window is also displayed telling you which parts interfere with another. The list is structured such that each clashing part is identified.


clashes with "/p2"=>



clashes with "/p1"=>




clashes with "/p2"=>


clashes with "/p3"=>



clashes with "/p1"=>


clashes with "/p3"=>



clashes with "/p1"=>


clashes with "/p2"=>

To close the output window, click Close. To close the temporary viewport, click OK.
Learn more
Also see
Detect Clearance
Clash analysis overview
Change clash analysis parameters
Edit clash issue results
Position parts and assemblies