Tracker View-Based ReqIF Export
Since Codebeamer release 22.04, tracker contents can be filtered by applying different tracker views during exporting to ReqIF.
It is possible to select from the available
Default Views.
Public Views - views shared with the user based on roles.
Private Views owned by the user.
For each tracker included in the ReqIF export.
In case of traceability views, the export only contains the initial level of items. The hierarchy defined by the view is not included.
Selecting views with Show Children, Show Ancestor Items or Show Descendant Items options enabled, the parent/children items are also included in the ReqIF export. Each item is included once, without showing any hierarchy between them.
To choose from the tracker views available,
1. click on the Select Tracker View link on the Select project contents to be exported as ReqIF overlay:
2. choose the relevant view on the Select Tracker View overlay and click Select to apply.
To avoid exporting wrong items, turn to the relevant Administrator for the correct write permissions of the used views.
See also: Tracker Views
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