User's Guide > About the User's Guide > Codebeamer DOORS Bridge > Removing DOORS Bridge Settings
Removing DOORS Bridge Settings
In CB-9.0 and older, you cannot remove DOORS Bridge Settings from a tracker, once it was configured.
The only way to re-assign a DOORS Module, that was previously associated with a tracker X, to another tracker Y, was to irreversibly delete.
the tracker X.
or the whole project, where tracker X belonged to.
Since CB-9.1, you can now remove the association between a DOORS Module and a tracker, via Remove in the DOORS Bridge Settings dialog.
This is also an irreversible process, that will delete.
The DOORS Bridge settings of the tracker,
The DOORS import history of the tracker,
The DOORS import job/schedule of the tracker, and
The DOORS import status of all imported tracker items in this tracker, including the original DOORS object id.
But in contrast to deleting the tracker the tracker itself, the tracker configuration and also the tracker items will remain.
But beware: Tracker items, that were previously imported from DOORS, are now not longer recognized as such.
If you later import other DOORS objects (into a different tracker), that have links to objects, that were previously represented by items in this tracker,
then the newly imported items will not be associated with any items in this tracker.
You can setup Import from DOORS for that same tracker again, perhaps even associated with the same DOORS Module than before.
Importing will not update any existing tracker items, but instead create new items for all objects in the DOORS module.
If you only want to disable the import from the selected DOORS Module, without loosing any import settings, history and status, and with the possibility, to re-enable it at any time later, then simply uncheck the Enabled checkbox, but do not delete the DOORS Bridge settings.
In CB-10.0 and newer, you can implement and deploy a Tracker Synchronization Listener, in order to be notified, whenever a Tracker is attached/detached with DOORS or the DOORS Import Configuration changes.
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