Merging the Global Templates from File System and Document Management
When performing the export, the GUI will show templates from the file system and Document Management. This screenshot illustrates how it works: the list contains templates from file system and Document Management.
Adding Templates to Document Management
To add a new template to Document Management, when executing a certain kind of export, click Manage custom templates link; the directory where the templates can be stored is opened.
If you add a new template or delete an existing one, this template will appear next time in the appropriate export dialog.
If you add a Wiki description to the template file, this description will appear on the UI, instead of the file name. This allows for easier identification and organization of the templates, as the files are listed in alphabetical order of their names on the UI.
Adding Global Templates to File System
You can also add Global Templates to the file system. To do so, you must be a System Administrator with access to the file system of your Codebeamer server.
To add a new Test Run export file called customTestRunExport.docx, navigate to the file system of Codebeamer and find the $CB_HOME/tomcat/ webapps/cb/exporttemplates/TestRuns directory. This folder contains the Word and Excel export files for TestRuns.
If you upload your customTestRunExport.docx file here, the export UI of TestRuns will immediately show that. No restart necessary.
Customizing the Name and the Order of New Template Files
If you upload a new template like customTestRunExport.docx, this filename appears in the template list.
To make file names easier to comprehend in the template list, transform or translate the filename to something more readable/user-friendly. You can also customize the order in which the templates appear on the UI, for example, move the new template to the beginning of the list.
Transform/translate the filename to something more readable/user-friendly.
Customize the order the templates appear on the UI, for example, move the new template to the beginning of the list.
Translating or Transforming Template's Names
Each template file can have a more readable and user-friendly name, and these names can be also translated to other languages.
You can add the descriptive name of your template file to the files in the table.
This is implemented in such a way that exporttemplates directory contains configuration files where the filename transformations can be configured similarly to The translations configured in the following files:
The file-name->user-friendly mappings for the English language
The mappings for the German language
Users should put their own mappings and translations to this file.
The Users' custom translations for the German language.
These translation files contain the file name of the user-friendly name mapping. For example, the exporttemplates/Trackers/template-items-all.docx template file will appear as English Trackers/template-items-all.docx on the UI if this is set in the file.
exporttemplates/Trackers/template-items-all.docx=English Trackers/template-items-all.docx
Ordering of the templates
The order of the template files is configured in the order.txt files on the file system. These files contain the file names in the desired order. If you want to add their custom template and appear in first place on the list, then the template file should be added to the folder, and the file name should be on the first line of order.txt.
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