Creating a New Perforce Repository
Perform the following steps to create a new Repository:
1. Click on the SCM Repositories tab and click on the New Repository link.
2. To create new Perforce repository:
3. Select Perforce from the list and click the Configure button.
The Perforce URL must include the host name of the Perforce server, and can optionally include the protocol and port number. The default values for url are SSL protocol and 1666 port. The Perforce protocol can be any of the ssl,tcp, or the standard Perforce protocol values.
Examples for valid Perforce Urls:
Depot path is the name of the depot, can be provided with and without // as depot prefix. for example:
The subdirectories of Depots are not supported yet: so you cannot enter //depot/subdir where the subdir is just a plain subdirectory of the depot Depot.
4. Once all necessary fields are filled, click Save and the new repository will be created. The system will verify the connection and reject the invalid settings or user/password if necessary.
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