Committed Issues Plugin
CommittedIssues plugin displays those issues which has an SCM change related to.
Data-collection parameters:
repositoryId='1' Required parameter. Specifies the comma separated ids of the repositories.
max='20' The plugin displays the most recently committed issues on top, and only displays a limited number of issues (only the latest 20 by default). The maximum number of issues displayed can be specified by the max parameter.
startDate='2011-06-21 11:00' endDate='2011-06-21 12:00' Filters the committed issues for those issues only where there were commits within that period
startRevision='rev12' endRevision='rev33' Filters the committed issues for those issues only where there were commits within that revision ids. Either start or end revision can be omitted. If both start/end date and start/end revisions are provided then their common range (intersection) is displayed.
branchOrTag='branch-name' Show only issues had commits on the specified branch or with the specified tag.
Appearance parameters:
title='any-text' Optional parameter, the title text displayed above the chart/data-table.
cssClass='class-name' Optional, CSS class to apply to the box that encloses the html markup
cssStyle='css-rules' Optional, CSS style to modify the appearance of the box that encloses the html markup.
[{CommittedIssues repositoryId='1'}]
Shows the issues got commits in all repositories of the current project
[{CommitTrends repositoryId='4,5' title='Committed issues in repository A and B' display='both'}]
Shows the committed issues from repository #4 and #5 with a custom title.
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