Automatic Mappings of Fields
The automatic mapping should be fine in most cases, but sometimes you may want to adjust mappings, for example you can ignore a column by removing its mapping, or forward data to some other fields by changing its mappings.
The most important field in round-trip is the ID field, because without the proper mapping of the ID field the original item/issue cannot be found, and therefore the data will be misrecognized as new and will create a new record.
If you want to add all Excel data to a new tracker then just clear the mapping of the ID field/column and the data will be inserted as new.
The result of automatic mapping can be reconfigured by clicking on the mapping selectors above each column. You can also map a column to multiple field - turn this on by clicking on the Multiple field mappingscheckbox- this may be useful if you want to load the same data to multiple fields.
Warning when Automatic Mapping maps a field twice
Sometimes automatic-mapping cannot decide properly and maps a field twice. The importer will show a warning when this happens: the user can correct this situation manually:
Final Step: Review Changes and Differences
The last page of the import wizard displays the data found in the Excel sheet after the mapping and conversions:
The first 50 rows are listed on the preview page.
Only the changed and new data rows are listed from the Excel. The unchanged rows are not displayed.
The new data is highlighted with the NEW blue badge.
The changed data which will update an existing item is listed in two rows:
The first row contains the new value coming from the Excel sheet.
The second row is the current value in the target item. Only the modified information is displayed to avoid duplication.
Whether there are any mapping or conversion problems that should be highlighted in red with some explanations.
Error Handling
If mapping fails when saving the data into the desired tracker, the changes are not saved, and the transaction is rolled back. The Import wizard remains open and displays error messages that describe why the import failed.
To resolve this issue, return to your Excel sheet and correct all data where the save has failed, or you can use a custom conversion script inside the Import wizard.
When you change the Status of items in Excel, your tracker's workflow may forbid the transition from the original Status to the new Status. Such errors can be resolved by either removing the mapping of the Status field or using an available Status value.
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