Advanced Integrator Workflows
Integrator Workflows with Multiple Levels: Organization - Team - Developer
In larger teams and deeper hierarchies, it's a powerful approach to set up multiple levels of forks. Say, you are an organization with three teams A, Band C. A has 2 developers ,B has 3 and C has 4.


|-- team-a-public

| |

| -- joe-public

| |

| -- jack-public


|-- team-b-public

| |

| -- arthur-public

| |

| -- charlie-public

| |

| -- dave-public


|-- team-c-public


-- mary-public


-- steve-public


-- hugh-public


-- lee-public

With this setup, developers send pull request to their own team repository. Team leads decide whether to accept or reject those change. The changes accepted on team level can then be propagated to blessed, where the CTO or the dev lead can review them again. This gives an additional level of control and security.
This approach can be generalized to arbitrary depth.
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