All Reviews Page
The All Reviews page contains the reviews to which the current user has access, that is, all reviews where the user is included as a reviewer, moderator, or viewer. This page displays reviews of a selected project in a tabular format and consists of two tabs:
Open Reviews: This tab is selected by default. It displays all the reviews that are still in progress.
Closed Reviews: This tab displays all the reviews that are marked as finished by the moderators.
Select any review to start reviewing the items in it. You can filter the reviews based on the projects and trackers. Select the appropriate project and tracker from the respective lists and click Apply.
The All Reviews table contains the following details:
ID: Click to open the review in a new window. This page displays all the review items in the review.
Preview: Click to open a mini window that contains the description and review statistics of the review. A link to open the review is also displayed.
Associations: Click to open a window that contains the links to see the upstream and downstream associations of the review.
Reviewers: Click to navigate to the user Account page of the reviewer.
Moderators: Click to navigate to the user Account page of the moderator.
Viewers: Click to navigate to the user Account page of the viewer.
An option to create a new review is available above the table. For more information, see Creating a Review.
Only system administrators have permissions to edit the user profile of any user.
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