Managing Project Category Views
Administrators can select multiple categories and save this selection as a standalone view. These views are public, and any user can access them. When activated, users only see the projects which are assigned to a category contained within the view.
The required permissions are as described in Managing Project Categories.
Creating Project Category Views
1. Select the project categories.
2. The Current View list, enter a unique name.
3. Save the view.
Activating a Project Category View
Click open view icon. The Open Project Category View dialog box opens. Select the required view from the list of available views.
Deleting and modifying Project Category Views
When a non-default view is active, you can delete the view using the dropdown list.
After you modify the view, save current view icon is available in the tool bar.
Filtering on the Project Browser
On the left pane, there are several filters. You can filter the project cards by name. Enter the name in the box, and the cards that do not match the text disappear.
Another filtering option is by color. You can switch between the coloring modes (see later) and then use the checkboxes to hide or show project cards of the given color.
On the left pane, click Export to Excel export to excel icon to save the details of the projects visible on the Projects tab to an Excel file.
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