Configuring System Logging
Codebeamer uses Apache Log4j for logging. While the default logging levels are carefully selected, sometimes the defaults do not provide enough information for tracking down a more complex problem in Codebeamer.
Administrators can now change these log4j settings without restarting their Codebeamer server by clicking on the System Admin > Logging Configuration link.
Figure: Change Logging Configuration
To change the log4j settings of some classes or packages, paste the new log settings in the Logging changes textbox, using the same syntax as found in the installdir/tomcat/common/classes/ file.
Do not modify the file. The logging levels are to be changed only through System Admin > Logging Configuration.
For example:
This configuration parameter will change the LoggingConfigurationController's logger to INFO level.
Multiple log4j settings can be changed at once by putting them in multiple lines, similarly to the file.
Important notes:
Be careful when changing log levels, since very verbose logging may severely degrade the server performance.
The changes are not reverted automatically & the administrator has to change the log levels back to their defaults.
The changes made on these pages are not persistent and are lost when the server is restarted.
Rollover archives the log files and creates new ones to continue logging. See more details here. Rollover happens based on the log4j configuration, by default every day - effectively separating the logs of different days. These archive files are kept either based on the CB_LOGFILE_TTL environment variable, or for 7 days by default.
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