Maintenance mode
In Codebeamer 21.09 a new administrator feature is introduced: Maintenance mode. The feature serves as a limitation of access for users without System Administrator permissions, by default (accessibility can be reconfigured by granting normal users Access in Maintenance mode permission).
When Maintenance mode is turned on, only System Administrators (or users with Access in Maintenance mode permission) can log in to Codebeamer, this way providing separated time and limited user access for executing maintenance tasks.
Users can access maintenance mode in System Admin > Maintenance mode:
The following configuration parameters are available:
Set system mode — Determines the mode Codebeamer runs in. Default value: Normal. Possible values:
Normal — Anyone with a user account can log in to Codebeamer.
Maintenance —“ Only users with appropriate permissions can log in to Codebeamer (users in the System Administrator group, or with Access in Maintenance mode permission).
Configure maintenance information — Users can configure different texts to be displayed while Maintenance mode is turned on:
Notification text — Sets the text that is sent to currently logged in users, to send the notification click the Send notification now button.
Login text €“— Sets the text displayed on the login screen. If left empty, the default Login text is displayed.
Welcome text —“ Sets the text displayed on the My Start page. If left empty, the default Welcome text is displayed.
Slogan text —“ Sets the text displayed in the application header. If left empty, the default Slogan text is displayed.
Login error text —€“ Sets the text displayed when an unauthorized user tries to log in while Maintenance mode is turned on.
Default configuration for Login text, Welcome text, and Slogan text can be found in System Admin > Login and Welcome text and System Admin > GUI menus.
Click the Save button to save the configuration and turn on Maintenance mode (Set system mode parameter's value: Maintenance).
For developers, the following endpoint was introduced: /v3/system/maintenance. For more information, see: Swagger API.
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