Some fields are not shown for the different chart types.
Field Name
Data Source
The chart visualizes the result of this source report.
Some chart types have special requirements regarding the data source. For example, for a Multi Bar Chart only Reports that are grouped by at least two fields can be used.
Reports that cannot be used for the selected chart type are disabled in the list.
Hints under the fields inform the user about the exact reason.
Grouping Field
The Report Visualization Widgets accept only grouped Reports as data sources.
In this field, the grouping field to be used on the visualization can be selected.
Aggregation Function
If the report is aggregated by multiple functions (sum, avg, etc.), the aggregated value to be shown on the visualization can be selected in this field.
Display unit
High values can be rounded to hundreds, thousands, millions or billions to make the chart more straightforward.
Defines in which order the values are shown on the chart.
The ordering can be changed on both axes:
• When ordering by Group name, the labels on the horizontal axis are in their natural order.
• When ordering by values, the labels are ordered by their corresponding value on the vertical axis.
Horizontal/Vertical Axis label
The labels shown under the horizontal and beside the vertical axis.
No Group Text
When grouping a Report by a field, it may happen that some matching items have no values in the related field.
By default, the label for these values in the charts is No Group.
The default label can be changed in this field.
Chart Colors
A comma-separated list of colors (either RGB codes ( #fff ) or color names).
These colors override the default colors in the chart, that is, the first chart segment is painted with the first color provided, the second segment with the second color. and so on.
In case more chart segments are available than the number of colors provided, the same color will be used in the chart multiple times.
Show Values
When checked, the actual values are shown above the chart segments.
Value Label
Specifies what information the values on charts reflect to. It works together with the previous option. Possible values: |
Show Legend
When checked, the widget adds a legend (an explanation of the chart colors) below the chart.