Filter Widget
Filter Widget on Tracker Table View is available only from Codebeamer 9.0.0.
From Codebeamer 9.0.0 you are able to use the new Filter widget, you can use here the same filters as on the Reports page, but only for the actual tracker.
Parts of the Filter Widget
UI Component
Add Filter
Click the Filter button to add filters. You can select from the Default fields (Status, Priority, Start Date, etc.), from the Common Reference Fields (e.g. Release, Subject, etc.), from custom fields of the tracker if present, and from the other filtering option. Filter types described here: Reports
Add Group by
Click on the Group by button to group the issues. You can display groups up to 3 levels the same way just like on the Reports page.
Add Order by
: Click on the Order by button to define sorting. You can select up to 3 levels of ordering options.
Search input
Type any text for filtering issues using a full-text search. This will find the typed pattern in any text fields of the issues.
Click on GO button to display the result of the selected filters.
Manage Tracker Views
Click on View button to manage filters (views).
In tracker's Table View, you can add filter / group by / order by options using drag-and-drop. Drag one of the field labels of the header of the issue list table and drop one of the areas into the Filter Widget (Filters, Group by, Order by).
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