Permissions and Licensing
To be able to use the Review feature, you need the following:
You need a Reviews license.
You need to be the member of a group that has the Enable Review permission (by default, all groups have this permission, but the system administrator can disable it).
To be able to see the items in a review, you need the following:
You need to be either a moderator or a reviewer of the review (otherwise, you will not see the review at all).
You need to have Read or View permission to the items being reviewed. Although you can see the review without permission to the reviewed items, you will not be able to see the item content and you will not be able to review the items.
You can access the Review Hub in restricted mode if you have a Review Hub license. In this case you will have the following restrictions:
You cannot open the right-hand side panel on the Review page.
You cannot be assigned to a review as a moderator.
You cannot edit, restart or finish a review.
You are not able to check the differences from the Head version using the badges.
You cannot export a review in MS Word or Excel.
You cannot check the review Statistics page.
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