Modifications on the Branch
The main purpose when creating a branch is that you need to create a new variant. This new variant shares most of its requirements with the master branch but you need to modify some of them, or add new requirements.
Initially (after creating the branch) the items on the branch are the exact copies of the original items. Whenever you update, or create an item either on the branch or the parent branch you will get notification badges on the document view. An example:
The possible badges are:
• Created on Branch:- The item was created on this branch after the last merge, it does not exist on the parent branch.
• Updated on Branch:- The item was updated on this branch after the last merge and it is actually different from its pair on the parent branch.
• Updated on Master/Updated on Parent Branch:- The pair of this item on the Master branch was updated after the last merge and is actually different from the branch item.
Clicking on the Updated badge will show the actual differences in a dialog, and you can use this dialog to merge the items one by one:
These badges are cleared after merging between the branch and its parent branch.