Common Problems
Supplier Attributes Not Configured
To configure the supplier attributes run the import of the same ReqIF again and ensure to check including empty and map the supplier attributes.
Problem With Older Codebeamer Release
More details regarding fixed problems can be found in the release notes of each Codebeamer release.
Unable to Select Source When Importing an Update
When importing an update you will not be able to select the source created during import in some cases.
This problem has been fixed in Codebeamer 20.11.
To work around the problem download the source definition from the Documents section of the project, create a new source during import and use the downloaded file as mapping template.
Relations Between ReqIF Files Are not Imported
When importing multiple ReqIF files with relations between item in different files the relations can't be imported as associations.
This problem has been fixed in Codebeamer 20.11
If you encounter this problem during the supplier qualification, it will not be considered as critical issue.
In production the workaround is to manually re-create the associations in Codebeamer using an example. An import into a Codebeamer 20.11 test instance as reference.
Additional Attributes are added to the ReqIF
During export you should not add any additional fields to the export, your customer will not be able to import back the content of those added fields.
Without the "Curtail (the export) to the last import" option (which was introduced in Codebeamer 20.11) additional attributes are added unintentionally in case the ReqIF received from the customer did contain multiple type definitions.
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