Tags Available
There are many more tags and more tag options available than the jt:forEach or jt:if tag in the previous example.
It is important that tags must be closed that is if a <jt:forEach> tag is opened there must be a matching </jt:forEach> tag appearing at the end of the block.
Some some examples:
jt:hyperlink can turn a cell to hyperlink
jt:comment can add comments to cells
jt:style can add some color or other appearance to cells.
jt:formula can create a formula inside a cell.
For the complete list of available tags, check the JETT tag documentation
jt:formula tag
The jt:formula tag is used to create cells with Excel formulas inside. The engine evaluates the expression and places the Excel formula in the cell.
Formula to convert a string to an integer in the cell: <jt:formula text="VALUE(${items.getCustomField(1)})"/>
In this case the template cell where the number field will be placed should also be in number format.
Formula to convert long values to date: <jt:formula text="${items.getCustomField(0)}/86400000"/>
Also set the cell format in the template to the desired time format.
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