The cbQL is a new query language in Codebeamer, with which it is possible to create reusable queries. The syntax of the cbQL is similar to the SQL.
There are four different parts of a cbQL.
SELECT keyword and projection. This part is optional. If we would like to see additional information about a group of tracker items then it is possible to add aggregation functions and filters or their alias names.
WHERE keyword and a condition list. The WHERE keyword is required if the cbQL contains SELECT keyword otherwise doesn't.
GROUP BY keyword and a field or an alias list. This part is optional. It is possible to make groups from the result of the conditions based on the definition. After the GROUP BY keyword.
ORDER BY keyword and field list and direction. This part is optional. If we would like to order the result, then we can add the necessary fields and the direction of the order.
SELECT assignedTo as 'Assigned to' WHERE storyPoints > 2 GROUP BY assignedTo ORDER BY summary DESC
Projection section
The result of a cbQL will contain all possible columns of the tracker items by design. The projection section can't reduce the set of the columns but we can add extra information like result of aggregation functions or header of a group. The usage of the section is similar to the SQL projection clause. So we can use here only aggregation functions or fields what we use in the GROUP BY clause.
since 8.0.0
Filter section
The filter options can be used in any order. It is necessary to use AND or OR operator among the filter options.
Date values in cbQL
There are the following options to use dates in the cbQL:
String literal
Patterns: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH', 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'yyyy-MM', 'yyyy'
For example: '2010-01-01'
Short date expression
Pattern: [+-]\d[dwmyq] -> sign number part of date
s = second, min = minute, h = hour, d = day, w = week, m = month, y = year, q = quarter (since 8.0.0), wd = week day(Monday-Friday since 8.0.0)
For example:
+1d -> add one day to current date

-2d -> subtract two days from current date

+1w -> add one week to current date
Long date expression
For example:
current date: 2016-02-05 08:21:11 (Friday)

START OF NEXT 2 DAY -> it will be add 2 days to current date and truncate it to day. Result: 2016-02-07 00:00:00

END OF NEXT 1 WEEK -> it will be add 1 week to current date and truncate it to week. Result: 2016-02-14 00:00:00
Comparison operators: =, >=, <=, <, >, !=
startDate BETWEEN '2012.01.01' AND '2012.01.01'
summary LIKE 'test%'

summary NOT LIKE '%test'
project.name IN ('Test', 'Test2')

project.name NOT IN ('Test')
It is possible to define subquery in cbQL. You can use each field in the subquery. The exists will check whether there is a relation between the result of the subquery and the result of the query.
For example:
tracker.id = 7 and exists(tracker.id = 9)
The result will contain only elements which are in the tracker where the id = 7 and which have a relation to/from items which are in the tracker where id = 9
Aggregation function
All of them will return with a single value based on the selected filter. (since 8.0.0)
Returns the smallest value. for example:
Returns the largest value. for example
Return the average value. for example:
Returns the sum of values. for example
Returns number of rows. for example
Date functions
Truncate functions
There are some functions with which it is possible to truncate the date fields in the Projection section. (since 8.0.0)
SELECT TO_MONTH(submittedAt) as 'Month' WHERE project.id = 1 GROUP BY 'Month'
Result: 2016-01-01, 2016-02-01 ...
Date part functions
There are some functions with which it is possible to get a part of the date fields in the Projection section. (since 8.0.0)GET_DAY, GET_WEEK, GET_MONTH, GET_QUARTER, GET_YEAR
SELECT GET_MONTH(submittedAt) as 'Month' WHERE project.id = 1 GROUP BY 'Month'
Result: 1,2,....
Include expression
You can include tracker items description as parameter in queries. The description of the item what you would like to use has to be 'Plain'.
It is possible to set the following pattern to description:
id list: 1,2,3
tracker reference: ${currentTrackerId}
project reference: ${currentProjectId}
tracker.id in (include[123])//description of 123 = 1,2,3

tracker.id = include[123] //description of 123 = ${currentTrackerId}

project.id = include[123] //description of 123 = ${currentProjectId}

item.id in (include[123]) //description of 123 = 2,3,4

or it is possible to use it in filters which filter by id for example:

releaseId IN (include[123])
Filter the work items by id of project.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
project.id = 1
Filter the work items by name of project.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
project.name IN ('Test', 'Test2')
Filter the work items by id of tracker.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
tracker.id = 1
Filter the work items by name of tracker.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
tracker.name = 'Bugs'
Filter the work items by their id.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
item.id != 2
Filter work items by creation date.
Available operators: =, !=, BETWEEN, <, >, <=, >=
submittedAt BETWEEN '2015-12-12' AND '2200-12-12'
Filter work items by modification date.
Available operators: =, !=, BETWEEN, <, >, <=, >=
modifiedAt BETWEEN '2015-12-12' AND '2200-12-12'
Filter work items by the modifier.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
modifiedBy = 1

modifiedBy = 'user name'
Filter work items by start date.
Available operators: =, !=, BETWEEN, <, >, <=, >=
startDate BETWEEN '2015-12-12' AND '2200-12-12'
Filter work items by end date.
Available operators: =, !=, BETWEEN, <, >, <=, >=
startDate BETWEEN '2015-12-12' AND '2200-12-12'
Filter the work items by the target of the assignment. The assignment is an user in this case.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
assignedTo IN ('bond','test')

assignedTo = 3 // where 3 = id of an user
Filter the work items by the target of an indirect assignment. The assignment is an user in this case.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
assignedToIndirect = 3 // where 3 = id of an user
since Carmen
Filter the work items by the target of the assignment. The assignment is a role in this case.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
assignedToRole IN (3276) // where 3276 = id of a role
since Carmen
Filter the work items by the target of an indirect assignment. The assignment is a role in this case.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
assignedToRoleIndirect IN (3276) // where 3276 = id of a role
since Carmen
Filter the work items by the target of the assignment. The assignment is a group in this case.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
assignedToGroup IN (121) // where 121 = id of a group
since Carmen
Filter the work items by the target of an indirect assignment. The assignment is a group in this case.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
assignedToGroupIndirect IN (121) // where 121 = id of a group
since Carmen
Filter the work items by the time of the assignment.
Available operators: =, !=, BETWEEN, <, >, <=, >=
assignedAt > -1d AND assignedAt < 1d
Filter the work items by owner. The owner is an user in this case.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
Not supported in baseline mode
owner IN ('bond','test')

owner = 3 // where 3 = id of an user
Filter the work items by owner. The owner is a role in this case.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
Not supported in baseline mode
ownerRole IN (3) // where 3 = id of an role
Filter the work items by owner. The owner is a group in this case.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
Not supported in baseline mode
ownerGroup IN (3) // where 3 = id of a group
since Carmen
Has Association is a general filter which returns those tracker items that have at least 1 association, regardless of which other tracker item(s) they are associated with.
Filtering criteria
1. Has Association
By selecting the Has Association filter from the accordion, its default value is automatically set to True. To execute the filtering without providing any further filtering criteria, click on GO.
It is not specified that the association(s) of which tracker item is to be returned as the result of filtering, thus, all those tracker items will be listed that have at least 1 association.
2. Filtering by Suspected References
Suspected References - By adding the Suspected References to the filtering criteria, those tracker items will be listed that have at least 1 association.
Not Suspected References - Adding the Not Suspected References to the filtering criteria will return both:
those associated tracker items in case of which the Propagate Suspect function is set, but the association target has not been modified since creating the association. These items are indicated with labels;
and those associated tracker items for which the Propagate Suspect function is not activated.
For more information on Suspected References, see: Document View for Requirements
3. Association type
The Has Association filtering result can be further refined by adding the relevant Association type to the filtering criteria.
Association types:
Superordinate To
Subordinate To
Copy of
E.g.: Executing a filtering with the Suspected References and the related type of association added to the criteria will return those tracker items that have at least 1 Suspected, Related type association.
The Has Association To filter enables the selection of one or more tracker item(s), and returns all those tracker items that have at least 1 association to the selected item(s).
Filtering criteria
1. Please select one or more Projects! - The relevant Project(s) can be selected from the accordion for the filtering.
2. Please select one or more Trackers! - The relevant Tracker(s) to be selected from the accordion for the filtering.
3. Filtering by Suspected References
Suspected References - By adding the Suspected References to the filtering criteria, those tracker items will be listed that have at least 1 association to the selected tracker item.
Not Suspected References - Adding the Not Suspected References to the filtering criteria will return both:
those tracker items associated to the selected tracker item(s) in case of which the Propagate Suspect function is set, but the association target has not been modified since the creating the association. These items are indicated with labels.
those tracker items associated to the selected tracker item(s) for which the Propagate Suspect function is not activated.
For more information on Suspected References, see: Document View for Requirements
4. Association Type
The Has Association To filter can be further refined by providing the relevant type of association to the selected item.
Association Types:
Superordinate To
Subordinate To
Copy of
5. Please begin to type or click on the pencil icon to select one or more Work Items!
One or more tracker items to be added to this field the associations of which the filter should return.
The appropriate tracker item(s) can be added either by starting to type the name of the item(s), or, by clicking on the icon, selecting the relevant ones, then clicking on Add.
The filtering is executed by clicking on the OK button.
Filter work items by their downstream references. Each items, which is referenced by another item, will be part of the result.
Available operators: =, !=
hasDownstreamReference = 'true'

hasDownstreamReference = 'false'
Filter work items by their actual suspected links (there have been modification on the referenced item). Each item, which has either a suspected downstream or upstream reference (), will be part of the result.
hasSuspectedLink = 'true'

hasSuspectedLink = 'false'
The hasSuspectedLink filter has never checked Suspected associations with Artifacts.
Filter work items by their upstream references. Each items, which refer to another item, will be part of the result.
Available operators: =, !=
hasUpstreamReference = 'true'

hasUpstreamReference = 'false'
Filter work items by priority. A special filter option because the possible values of the priority field are configurable differently in each tracker. That cause, it is necessary to define the project and the tracker in the filter option.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
'projectName.trackerName.priority' = 'High'

'1.2.priority' = 'High'

(1 = project's id, 2 = tracker's id)
Filter work items by downstream references. The result items are referenced by an item from the defined tracker or tracker type.
For example: Bug 1 -> Release 1, Task 1 -> User Story1
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
type = 'User Story' AND referenceFromTracker = 'Bug'
type = 'User Story' AND referenceFromTracker = '5.8970'// '<projedtId.trackerId>'
type = 'User Story' AND referenceFromTracker = 8970// trackerId since 9.0.0
Filter the work items by upstream references. Each work item will be part of the result set, which refers to the specified item.
For example: Bug 1 -> User Story 1 (id = 10)
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
referenceToId = 10 //the result will be the 'Bug1' work item
Filter the work items by upstream references. Each work item will be part of the result set, which refers to the specified item.
For example: Bug 1 -> User Story 1
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
referenceToName = 'User Story 1' //the result will be the 'Bug1' work item
Filter the work items by downstream references. Each work item will be part of the result set, which has downstream reference from the specified item.
For example: Bug 1 (id = 10) -> User Story 1
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
referenceFromId = 10 //the result will be the 'User Story 1' work item
Filter the work items by downstream references. Each work item will be part of the result set, which has downstream reference from the specified item.
For example: Bug 1 -> User Story 1
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
referenceFromName = 'Bug 1' //the result will be the 'User Story 1' work item
Filter the work items by upstream references. Each work item will be part of the result set, which refers to an item of the specified tracker or tracker type.
For example: Bug 1 -> User Story 1
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
referenceToTracker = 'User Story'
referenceToTracker = '5.8970'// '<projedtId.trackerId>'
referenceToTracker = 8970// trackerId since 9.0.0
Filter work items by release field.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
release = 'Release 1'
Filter work items by resolution. A special filter option because the possible values of the resolution field are configurable differently in each tracker. That cause, it is necessary to define the project and the tracker in the filter option.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
'projectName.trackerName.resolution' = 'Duplicate'

'1.2.resolution' = 'Later'

(1 = project's id, 2 = tracker's id)
Filter work items by severity. A special filter option because the possible values of the severity field are configurable differently in each tracker. That cause, it is necessary to define the project and the tracker in the filter option.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
'projectName.trackerName.severity' = 'Blocker'

'1.2.severity' = 'Minor'

(1 = project's id, 2 = tracker's id)
Filter work items by status. A special filter option because the possible values of the status field are configurable differently in each tracker. That cause, it is necessary to define the project and the tracker in the filter option.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
'projectName.trackerName.status' = 'In Progress'

'1.2.status' = 'New'

(1 = project's id, 2 = tracker's id)
Filter work items by email address of submitter. The filter value can be regular expression.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
submittedByEmail = '.*@intland.com'
Filter work items by name of submitter.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
submittedBy = 'James Bond'
Filter work items by summary field.
Available operators: =, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE
summary LIKE '%item%'
Filter work items by meaning of the status.
Available operators: =, !=
Available values: Open, Closed, InProgress, Resolved, Deleted
workItemStatus = 'Open'

workItemStatus = 'Closed'
Filter work items by meaning of resolution.
Available operators: =, !=
Available values: Successful, Unsuccessful
workItemResolution = 'Successful'
Filter work items by type of tracker.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
type = 'Bug'
In case of Test Run, Test Case, and Test Set type trackers, TestRun, TestCase, and TestSet strings must be used.
Filter work items by date of their escalations. Each work item will be part of the result set, which has not fired escalation with the defined date.
Available operators: BETWEEN, <, >, <=, >=
escalationDate > '2010-01-01'
Filter work items by date of their escalations. Each work item will be part of the result set, which has fired escalation with the defined date.
Available operators: BETWEEN, <, >, <=, >=
firedEscalationDate > '2010-01-01'
Filter work items by level of their escalations. Each work item will be part of the result set, which has not fired escalation on the defined level. (since 8.0.0)
Available operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=
escalationLevel > 1
Filter work items by the estimation time. It is possible to use the short date expression. (since 8.0.0)
Available operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=
estimatedTime < 15min

estimatedTime > 1h
Filter work items by the spent time. It is possible to use the short date expression. (since 8.0.0)
Available operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=
spentTime < 20s

spentTime > 1h
subjectName, subjectId
Filter work items by their subject field. It will work properly if the destination of the field is Work/Config items. (since 8.0.0)
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
subject = 'Summary of User Stroy'

subjectName = 'Summary of Requirement'

subjectId IN (1, 2, 3)
teamName, teamId
Filter work items by their team field. It will work properly if the destination of the field is Work/Config items. (since 8.0.0)
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
team = 'Summary of Team'

teamName = 'Summary of Team'

teamId IN (1, 2, 3)
Filter the work item by their release method field which is a choice field.
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
releaseMethod = 'Scrum'
parentName, parentId
Filter the work items by their parent. (since 8.0.0)
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
parentName = 'Name of a tracker item'

parentId = 1
In special cases when we would like to see for example the Test Run's results we have to use this field to filter the report:
parentId IS NOT NULL
which means the report will show only the result items of the Test Runs.
childName, childId
Filter the work items by their children. (since 8.0.0)
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
childName = 'Name of a tracker item'

childId = 1
Filter work items by level of their escalations. Each work item will be part of the result set, which has fired escalation on the defined level.
Available operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=
firedEscalationLevel > 1
Filter work items by level of their escalations. The value of this option is a formula: (start date of escalation, end date of escalation)
Available operators: =
escalation = '(2011-01-01,2010-02-02)'
Filter work items by Story Points.
Available operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, IN, NOT IN
storyPoints > 1

storyPoints IN ('1', '2')
Filter work items by their project tags. It is possible to add tag for the projects. If a project has a tag which is in the filter section, then all tracker item will be part of the result which is in the project. (since 8.0.1)
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
projectTag = 'Development'
Filter work items by their tracker tags. It is possible to add tag for the trackers. If a tracker has a tag which is in the filter section, then all tracker item will be part of the result which is in the tracker. (since 8.0.1)
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
trackerTag = 'Support'
Filter work items by their tags. (since 8.0.1)
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
trackerItemTag = 'Development'
platformName, platformId
Filter work items by their platform field. It will work properly if the destination of the field is Work/Config items. (since 8.0.0)
Available operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN
platform = 'Summary of User Stroy'

platformName = 'Summary of Requirement'

platformId IN (1, 2, 3)
It is possible to filter the tracker items by user defined fields. To use this filter it is necessary to define the id of the tracker in which we would like to use the filter, because the custom fields can be different in each tracker. The property name of a field is available on the tracker configuration page. (since 8.0.0)
'1234.customField[1]' = 1 //where 1234 the id of the tracker and the customField[1] is the property name of field

'1234.choiceList[1]' = 'Option1'
Filter the work items by the content of their description. The description is a special field because it can store large texts. (since 8.1.0)
Available operator: LIKE
description LIKE '%content%'
Not implemented in baseline mode.
When a Review is created then the items in the Review have a reference to the Review. This filter option will check the existence of this reference. (since 8.2.0)
Available operator =, !=
hasReview = 'true' //the result will contain items which are in a Review

hasReview = 'false'//the result will contain items which aren't in any Reviews
Filter the items by the status of the Review in which they are. (since 8.2.0)
Available operators =, !=
underReview = 'true'//show items which are in a Review and the status of the Review is not Closed

underReview = 'false' //show items which are in a Review and the status of the Review is Closed
Filter items by a subquery since 10.1. It is possible to define into include expression which will be automatically extracted to the original query:
tracker.id = 3 AND include ={summary='test' or summary='test2'}

same as

tracker.id = 3 AND (summary='test' or summary='test2')
It is possible to use include expression recursively so an include expression can contain other include expressions.
It is possible to filter items by their references since 10.0.
For example: all task which has release reference which is 'In Progress' state.
1=Task tracker id

31=Release field id

2=Release tracker id

tracker.id = 1 AND 'upstreamReference.31' ={'2.status' = 'In Progress'}

It is possible to use shared fields :
1=Task tracker id

2=Shared field id

tracker.id = 1 AND downstreamReference.cbQLGlobalType.2 = 'Item'
It is possible to create group from the tracker items and calculate information via aggregation functions. There are two different part of the cbQL which are related to grouping. The first is the Projection which starts 'SELECT' keyword. After that field and alias pairs with optionally aggregation function.
SELECT storyPoints as 'Alias of Story Points', ...

SELECT max(storyPoints) as 'Maximum value of Story Point', ...
Another part is the grouping part starts with 'GROUP BY' after that aliases.
GROUP BY 'Alias of Story Points',...
The alias will be the connection between the select and the grouping part. It is not possible to add alias to the Projection which is not part of the Grouping section except if it uses aggregation function. Basically the rule is similar like in SQL:
(since 8.0.0)
The structure of the order section is similar to the SQL, which means: first a field : project.id after that optionally a direction: ASC,DESC. It is possible to add more than one option with comma separate.
ORDER BY project.id ASC, item.id DESC
Current Item Placeholder
Since Codebeamer release 2.1 (IMPALA), the Export to Word workflow action is available to export the items of a tracker to Microsoft Word documents if a specific state transition defined in the tracker configuration is performed.
Reports can also be selected as the source of tracker items to be exported to Word via the Export to Word workflow action.
With the use of the 'current item' placeholder in Reports, the tracker items to be exported are dependent on the current item when the configured Export to Word workflow action is started.
In Reports, the 'current item' placeholder
Can only be used for the Export to Word Workflow Action.
Can only be used and saved in Expert mode.
Is only available in cbQL, not supported on the user interface.
The 'current item' placeholder is implemented for the following resolvers:
ParentID and ChildID
Default reference fields: Subject, Release, Team, Platform, Area
The 'current item' placeholder only works with the default reference fields if those are used as reference fields, and are not re-configured into other field types.
Custom reference fields
item.id IN ('current item')
Using a report containing the 'current item' placeholder as the source of tracker items to be exported, in item context, that is, when the Export to Word workflow action is started, the 'current item' placeholder is replaced with the ID of the actual tracker item the status change of which triggered the workflow action.
Report Before the Workflow Action
Report When Running the Workflow Action
item.id IN ('current item', 1234, 5678)
item.id IN (4589, 1234, 5678)
Filtering Performance Warnings
Since Codebeamer 22.04 (FELICITY) release, the Filtering Performance Warnings feature supports the creation of more effective filtering queries.
This feature has been developed to notify users by displaying warning hints in banners when such query structures are used that could cause performance issues.
How to enable/disable the feature?
By default, the Filtering Performance Warnings are enabled in Codebeamer. This feature can be disabled in the Preferences > REPORT / TRACKER VIEW SETTINGS by deselecting the checkbox.
The performance warning hints are available in
Tracker Views:
Table View
Intelligent Table View
Document View
Document Edit View
Traceability Browser
Kanban Board
Planner View (Release Tracker)
thus, everywhere within Codebeamer where cbQL queries can be performed.
Filtering Performance Warnings are also displayed when using Column Filters.
Filtering Performance Warnings are shown in saved views as well.
Indicators of performance issues and the hints displayed
1. Missing Project or Tracker filter
In case only a general filter is applied (e.g. on Status) without filtering on a given Tracker of Project.
Displayed warning:
"For better performance limit the scope of your search to a single project or tracker."
2. Several AND/OR conditions
The application of 2 or more OR condition activates the user hint.
Displayed warning:
"The underlying query uses the OR operator multiple times which can lead to poor performance. You may have selected several meaning options or choice options from multiple trackers."
3. ORDER BY, GROUP BY clauses
Using a GROUP BY or an ORDER BY clause activates the warning. The joint usage of GROUP BY and ORDER BY activates the hints as well.
Displayed warning:
"For better performance add more filter criteria to your grouping query."
"For better performance add more filter criteria to your ordering query."
4. LIKE/NOT LIKE operators
Performance warnings are always shown when applying the LIKE/NOT LIKE operators.
Displayed warning:
"For better performance avoid using the like operator. If you know the exact text you are looking for, use equals instead."
5. Complex upstream/downstream reference filters
Applying further filters (e.g. on Summary, Description, etc.) within the active upstream or downstream reference filters, the displayed warning is:
"For better performance limit the scope of your search to a single project or tracker and For better performance consider using simpler reference filters."
6. Historical filters
Using a Historical filter automatically activates the performance warning.
Displayed warning:
"Using historical filters may lead to poor query performance."
Displayed warning after switching to Expert mode:
"Historical filters do not appear in cbQL expressions, but still saved with the Report in Expert mode."
Filtering performance warnings disappear when the specific filters activating the warnings are removed.
For instance:
Removing the Historical filter
Using the EQUALS/NOT EQUALS instead of the LIKE/NOT LIKE operators
Using Revert changes button when the warning appears after the last modification - (Manage Tracker Views) > (Revert changes)
Besides the active GROUP BY/ORDER BY clauses, the application of any additional filters not supported by this feature removes the performance warnings.
Please note that deprecated Milestone field type is not supported in cBQL, reports, filters and exports.
In Historical View only the Default fields and Reference fields work for Group by / Order by.
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