Mass Edit
The Mass Edit feature lets users update multiple items, or properties/fields of multiple items (in the same tracker), parallelly.
From Codebeamer 21.09-RC1, the Mass Edit process runs parallel on the selected items. If one of the updates fails the others can still be completed.
Initiating Mass Edit
To start a Mass Edit, select one or more items in the tracker (table) view and then choose Mass Edit... from the more menu:
The Mass Edit... operation considers selection from other pages too.
After clicking the Mass Edit... option a dialog box is shown, where users can select the fields to be updated from the More... selector. Only fields are displayed where edit permission is granted in the current status of each selected item.
Please note that table type fields, Summary field (the one with name property) and parent field cannot be updated by the Mass Edit feature.
Mass Edit dialog
The Tasks-Mass Edit dialog box consists of two main parts. The body of the dialog box contain one or more field updates. At the bottom of the dialog box there are function buttons.
Saving the changes executes the operation immediately. It is also possible to create a baseline during the mass edit operation. Click the Create Baseline option located at the bottom of the Mass Edit window.
To create a baseline you need to enter the following details:
After filling in the mandatory details, click Save.
Setting Field updates
For each selected field, you can choose, one of the following:
Set to.
The value of this field.
Depending on the field type, there are also additional type specific operations.
Text and Wikitext fields also support to one of the following:
A value to the existing value (with an optional separator).
Numeric and Duration fields also support one of the following:
Increment or
The existing value by the specified value.
In other words Add or Substract the specified value to/from the existing field value.
Multiple choice fields also support one of the following:
The specified value(s) to/from the existing field value(s), or to
Only those existing field values that are contained in the specified (collection of) values.
In other words, removes those existing values, that are not contained in the specified (collection of) values.
The value(s) to apply can be
(A constant) Value, that you can enter/select via the appropriate value editor, or
The result of evaluating an expression, that computes/calculates the value (see Computed Fields).
For example: Compute the new value for End Date by shifting the existing End Date 3 hours into the future, because we had to reconsider (increase) the Planned Effort.
To edit a field to update, you can:
Click the field value you want to change or edit.
Click on the small pencil behind the field value you want to change or edit.
To Remove a field to update:
Click on the x icon after the name of the field you want to remove.
Please make sure, that you have committed all open field value editors with OK, before you start the batch update by OK on the dialog, otherwise the uncommitted editor values will get lost.
In CB-7.9.2 and newer versions , you can also apply multiple value update operations on fields, that allow multiple values.
For example:
Assign the item to all owners, except those having role tester
Assigned to: Set to content of owner, remove tester.
Assign the item to all owners, plus user bond
Assigned to: Set to content of Owner, add bond.
Remove all assignees in role developer and newly assign users in role tester
Assigned to: Remove Developer, add Tester.
There can be also constellations with three or more operations, for example,
Assign the item to all owners, that have the role Administrator, except members of group system admin
Assigned to: Set to content of Owner, retain Administrator, remove System Admin
To add additional field value update operations, click on the More... button of the field update editor.
To Remove additional field value update operations:
Click on the x icon of the field value update operation, you want to remove.
Because the order of operations is significant, you can re-order additional field value update operations via drag-and-drop (in edit mode).
Relationship with New Baseline workflow action
New Baseline workflow action creates a baseline, when some transition occurs. During a mass edit operation the semantics of this workflow action is different. The workflow action itself is not executed, the user instead has to create the baseline manually with the mass edit dialog.
Settings for this workflow action:
Mass edit operation in this tracker:
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