User's Guide > About the User's Guide > Word and Excel Templates > Excel Templates > Export Test Cases with Test Steps Using MS Excel
Export Test Cases with Test Steps Using MS Excel
This section describes about exporting test cases.
For an example on how to export test steps to Word see: How to export Test Cases with Test Steps
The attached custom Excel template will export test cases together with test steps: Excel template
What it does is simply exporting test cases's id and name and their steps, where each steps goes to a new row. Like this:
Export Test Cases with custom Test Step columns
While custom column field values are not exposed directly, they can be accessed using groovy:
step.additionalColumnValues.find{ == 'CustomWikitext'}.value
For example:
<jt:forEach items="${items}" var="item">
<cb:groovy template="false" silent="false">

testCase = new com.intland.codebeamer.manager.testmanagement.TestCase(item, user, applicationContext);

<jt:forEach items="${testCase.testSteps}" var="step">
<cb:groovy template="false" silent="false">

return step.additionalColumnValues.find{ == 'CustomWikitext'}.value

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