Show More Function in Intelligent Table View
This page describes the Show More function developed for Intelligent Table View, making this tracker view more user-friendly and customized.
The Show More function is available since the release of Codebeamer 22.04 (FELICITY).
Show More Function in Intelligent Table View
By default, 25 lines per page are displayed within a Tracker in Intelligent Table View, however, more than that is needed at times. The Show More function makes it possible.
The Show More function has been developed for Intelligent Table View.
This function is not available in Traceability browser.
Show More
With the Show More function developed and built in, the number of lines shown can be increased to 200 lines per page by clicking on the Show More... link next to the number of displayed items at the bottom of the page.
Codebeamer now shows 200 lines on each page. This information is also indicated at the bottom of the page.
Show Less
Not only can Codebeamer be instructed to Show More, but also to Show Less. If displaying more lines is no longer needed, clicking on the Show Less... link sets the number of shown lines back to 25 per page, which is the default value.
Having clicked on Show Less... link, the default 25 items are displayed again on each page.
Configuration and Limitations
Under the traceability section of the Application configuration, the maximum number of items displayed in Intelligent Table View can be modified by changing the maxElementsOnIntelligentView value.
For instance:
"maxAdditionalLevelElements" : 1000,

"maxAdditionalLevelElementsPerItem" : 1000,

"maxFirstLevelElements" : 1000,

"maxFirstLevelElementsPerItem" : 1000,

"maxElementsOnIntelligentView" : 15000,

"pageSize" : 25
In case the number of the returned items would exceed the maxElementsOnIntelligentView value defined in the Application configuration, it might cause performance issues and the following warning message is displayed:
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