Installing Codebeamer
If upgrading from an older version please refer to Upgrading from older versions.
Before starting installation, please check carefully the General System Requirements.
Codebeamer is shipped with a web container (tomcat), database server (Derby) and on Windows with Subversion, Git and Mercurial (hg). On Linux, Unix, MAC-OS systems the required SCM(s) must be installed via package manager. The installation typically takes 10-15 minutes.
The pre-configured Derby database is for evaluation purposes only, and should not be used for production purposes.
For addition information Please see:
Codebeamer's server must always be started by the same operating system user to avoid file and database access problems. The server requires read and write file permissions for its own working and temporary files, and for the databases.
Codebeamer's server inherits access permissions from the user who started the server. To avoid permission problems on Linux/Unix systems, it is good practice to create a new operating system user (for example Codebeamer) with very restricted access to the file system, and to use this system account to start Codebeamer. In this case, even when there is no restriction specified in the Codebeamer configuration file, a restricted access to the file system is guaranteed on the operating system level.
Installation on a Single Server
This section describes installation on a single server.
Client computers do not require Codebeamer installation; their only requirements are that the browser's Cookies and JavaScript should be enabled.
To install Codebeamer on your server, first download and execute a single self extract file for your platform.
Installation on Windows
After downloading the self extract file, you can start the installation by double-clicking on the self extract file.
It is strongly recommended installing Codebeamer as Service to ensure that Codebeamer will be running also after the user logged out.
Installation on Linux
On Linux systems we suggest to install and run Codebeamer under a special user account, typically Codebeamer.
Do not install or run Codebeamer as root.
If you want to put an Apache Web server in front of Codebeamer (for example, to access Codebeamer via the standard HTTP(S) ports 80 (443) or to access managed Subversion repositories via HTTP protocol), you should install the Apache server for your platform first (see Configuring Tomcat for Codebeamer, Configuring Apache for Subversion) and then create the Codebeamer user in the same group where Apache is:
For example, on Red Hat Enterprise:
sudo adduser codebeamer --ingroup apache
Before installing Codebeamer:
JRE/JDK: It must be ensured that either Openjdk-1.7 or 1.8 or Oraclejdk-1.7 or 1.8 can be found in PATH.
To install Codebeamer:
Log in or sudo as user Codebeamer.
Into the home directory of the Codebeamer user (for example, /home/codebeamer).
Make the downloaded installation file (e.g. CB-7.0-GA-linux.bin) executable
sh CB-7.0-GA-linux.bin
To make upgrading to newer Codebeamer versions easier, we suggest to create a symbolic link called CB in the Codebeamer home directory, that points to the current/active version (for example, CB-7.0):
cd /home/codebeamer/

ln -s CB-7.0 CB
If you later install a new Codebeamer version, (e.g. CB-7.1) you will get a new directory CB-7.1 parallel to existing CB-7.0), but by simply redirecting the CB symbolic link to CB-7.1 all scripts based on CB will now consistently operate on the new version.
Installation on Docker
Please refer to Docker how to install and use Codebeamer with Docker.
Codebeamer is shipped with a Derby database that should be used only for evaluation purposes. It is strongly recommended configuring Codebeamer to use with PostgreSQL, MySQL or Oracle.
Please refer to the appropriate documentation provided with each Codebeamer version to find out which database versions are supported and how to setup them.
Starting/Stopping Codebeamer
The Codebeamer server must be started before you can access Codebeamer.
If you select to install Codebeamer as a Windows Service (during the Installation), Codebeamer will be automatically started and stopped with the system. To manaully start/stop/restart the service, use the Windows Services Control panel.
Only if you did not choose to install Codebeamer as a service, you can start and stop it manually! From the Window's Start menu select
Programs -> codebeamer x.x -> Start codebeamer Server
To stop the server, use:
Programs -> codebeamer x.x -> Stop codebeamer Server
When the server has started, start your browser on the server's URL with:
Programs -> codebeamer x.x -> Browse codebeamer
Linux, Unix, MAC-OS
From shell the commands as below can be used:
$ /installdir/bin/startup
To stop Codebeamer, type:
$ /installdir/bin/stop
Starting during System Boot (Linux, Unix)
Typically when Linux starts, the Codebeamer service should also start automatically. For that create a new file in /etc/init.d/codebeamer with this content:


# Run-level Startup script for codebeamer


# chkconfig: 345 91 19

# description: Startup/Shutdown codebeamer



case "$1" in


# startup

echo -n "Starting codebeamer: "

su - $CB_OWNR -c "cd $CB_HOME/bin && $CB_HOME/bin/startup"

echo "OK"



# shutdown

echo -n "Shutdown codebeamer: "

su - $CB_OWNR -c "cd $CB_HOME/bin && $CB_HOME/bin/stop"

echo "OK"



$0 stop

$0 start



echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart|reload"

exit 1


exit 0
If necessary, modify the CB_HOME and CB_OWNR variables at the start of the script. Save it.
Now to activate the service, execute these commands as root (These commands are for Ubuntu and may be different on other platforms):
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/codebeamer

sudo update-rc.d codebeamer defaults
After this the Codebeamer service is set up, and can be started/stopped using the service commands:
service codebeamer start

service codebeamer stop
See next:
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