How to create the Gathering Statistics Job
The gathering statistics job consists of two parts: a log table where gathering history is stored and the job itself.
1. To create the log table you should either:
Upgrade Codebeamer to 20.11-final, Or
If you don't want to upgrade Codebeamer, download the log table creation script from here:
oracle_create_gather_stats_log_table.sql and run the script as CBROOT. For example,
sqlplus CBROOT/password@<your connection> @./oracle_create_gather_stats_log_table.sql
2. Download the job creation script: oracle_gather_schema_stats_job.sql and run the script as Oracle DBA. The script uses one parameter: Codebeamer's schema name which should be passed from sqlplus
sqlplus sys/<your_connection> as sysdba @./oracle_gather_schema_stats_job.sql <your_schema_name>
sqlplus sys/Oradoc_db1@ORCLCDB as sysdba @./oracle_gather_schema_stats_job.sql CBROOT
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