Types de documents > Integrating Table Models > Integrating OASIS Exchange CALS Tables in a DTD
Integrating OASIS Exchange CALS Tables in a DTD
To include the OASIS Exchange CALS table model in your DTD, you must add the appropriate entity declarations.
To integrate the OASIS Exchange CALS table model in your DTD:
1. In Arbortext Architect, choose File > Open, and select the DTD to which you want to add the OASIS Exchange CALS table model.
2. Choose Edit > DTD to open the DTD Editor.
3. If you want to change the default values of the parameter entities used within the entity declarations in the OASIS Exchange CALS table model, you must add the entity declarations to the DTD before declaring the table model. Refer to chemin-Arbortext/entities/soex-tbl.dtd for more information on the parameter entities in this table model.
4. Add the entity declaration for OASIS Exchange CALS table structures:
<!ENTITY % calstbls Public "-//SGML Open//
DTD Exchange Table Model 19960430//EN">
5. Add a reference to this entity to incorporate the table model in your DTD:
6. Add the table element to existing content models in which you want to allow tables. For example, if you want to allow tables within paragraphs, you might create the following element declaration:

<!ELEMENT para - - ((%paracon)* | table) >
The tableelement is specified by the parameter entity %tbl.table.name and may be redefined.
7. Arbortext Editor requires that CALS tables have the align and valign attributes specified for entry:
align (left | right | center |justify | char) #IMPLIED
valign (top | middle | bottom) #IMPLIED
8. Save your changes and exit the DTD Editor.
When Arbortext Editor loads the document type, it will automatically detect the table model if you have defined the tgroup, colspec, row, and entry elements. If they are not defined, you must specify the cals table model in the document type's .dcf file. You can also turn off automatic table detection in the .dcf file.
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