Types de documents > Porting Document Types > Configuring an Imported DTD
Configuring an Imported DTD
There are several steps to configuring a document type after selecting Customize when importing a DTD.
To configure an imported DTD:
If the default tag names are correct in a dialog box, click OK. The next dialog box displays. If the names are incorrect or a field is empty, enter the tag names as defined in your DTD. You can enter multiple tags in each field, separated by a space. If you enter an invalid tag name, you will receive an error message, and you will have to provide a valid tag name.
1. Provide the following information in the title dialog box:
Document title — Type the name of the tag in your DTD that defines the document title. This tag, along with the title block tag, will format in a larger point size than the rest of the text in your document.
Title block — Type the name of the tag in your DTD that surrounds the document title grouping, For example, in the Report document type, the title-info tag surrounds the title tag.
Title page — Type the name of the tag in your DTD that indicates a title page. A page break will be added after the end title page tag.
2. Click OK.
3. Type the name of your DTD's main paragraph tag in the main paragraph tag name dialog box, and then click OK.
4. Type the names of your DTD's graphic tags in the graphic tag name dialog box, and then click OK.
5. You can assign attributes to the graphic tags specified in the previous dialog box. Type the names of the appropriate attributes in the graphic attributes dialog boxes, and then click OK. These attributes display in the graphics Modify Attributes dialog box.
6. To let authors make document-level formatting changes, check the Allow users access to Touchup Menu option, and then click OK. This option enables the Format > Touchup menu options.
7. Select the tag categories you want to modify in the modify tag categories dialog box. Another dialog box will display for each of the categories that you have selected. Click OK when you have finished selecting categories.
Division — Identifies the title tags associated with divisions in your DTD. This enables authors to collapse and expand document content by divisions. You can also specify the level to determine the font size of the title. Level 1 indicates the largest font size (document title); the higher the level, the smaller the title font size. All divisions with titles of the same font size have the same level number. For example, the document title, chapter title, and appendix title might all be level 1; sections may be level 2; and topics level 3.
Once you've identified the title tag and level for all the document tags, Arbortext Architect displays a dialog box that identifies the tags you specified. Select No if this information is incorrect, and you want to change it. Select Yes if the information is correct.
List — Identifies list tags and the item tags associated with them. You can remove a name from the default list of tags, but you cannot add a tag name. If Arbortext Architect cannot identify a DTD structure as a list, Arbortext Editor cannot represent the structure as a list.
Once you've identified the item tags for all of the list tags, Arbortext Architect displays a dialog box that identifies the tags you specified. Select No if this information is incorrect, and you want to change it. Select Yes if the information is correct.
Definition list tag names — Identifies the definition tags and the term and definition tags associated with them.
Once you've identified the term and definition tags for all of the definition list tags, Arbortext Architect displays a dialog box that identifies the tags you specified. Select No if this information is incorrect, and you want to change it. Select Yes if the information is correct.
Figure block tag name — Identifies the figure block or table block tags that surround a caption title, table, or figure. It also allows you to specify title or headline caption tag names associate with figure block tags.
Once you've identified the title or headline caption tags for all of the figure block tags, Arbortext Architect displays a dialog box that identifies the tags you specified. Select No if this information is incorrect, and you want to change it. Select Yes if the information is correct.
New page tags — Identifies the tags that start a new page. These tags are usually divisions such as a chapter tag or an appendix tag.
Once you've identified the title or headline caption tags for all of the figure block tags, Arbortext Architect displays a dialog box that identifies the tags you specified. Select No if this information is incorrect, and you want to change it. Select Yes if the information is correct.
Once you have finished the customization process, a message displays indicating that the document type is complete. Click OK.
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