Types de documents > Document Types Available from Arbortext > Technical Information Application
Technical Information Application
Arbortext provides the Technical Information Application. This application is a set of DITA topics based on the DITA 1.2, 1.3 and 2.0 Specification that is intended for developing information about service operations and parts. The topics work in conjunction with Windchill Service Information Manager and Windchill Service Parts. Refer to the Windchill documentation for more information about these features.
You can use these topics to develop service information or as a starting point for developing your own specialized DITA topics. The following topic types are available in the application:
Concept — Provides background information that users must understand before they can work with a product or interface, or perform a task.
Cover Page — Provides the information to go on the cover page for a PDF or printed document.
Diagnostic — Provides diagnostic information.
Procedure — Provides a procedure for how to perform a task. In this case, the steps and graphics are mixed in a single text flow.
Reference — Provides information about the regular features of a service, product, or part.
Side-by-Side Procedure — Provides a procedure for how to perform a task. In this case, the steps and graphics are presented side-by-side in a tabular format.
Task — Provides procedural information.
Troubleshooting — Provides troubleshooting or diagnostic information.
The Technical Information Application is located in the following directory:
Bursting rules are available for this document type.
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