CCF Files and Profiling
Arbortext Editor publishing only handles three profiling attributes by default. If you want to use more than three profiling attributes, you can modify the corresponding CCF files.
You must configure profiling attributes in the .dcf file.
If you want to pass an XML document and a profile through a pipeline and return the profiled version of the same document, you can create a composer for XSL with the desired profile as the input profile and use identity.xsl as the stylesheet. The stylesheet is located in lib\xsl\debug.
The compose_using_xsl batch function and other ACL publishing functions are described in Interactive and Batch Publishing Functions .
To Add a Profile Filter to a CCF File:
1. Determine the publishing types to which you want to add profiling attributes, and add a profile filter and its parameters to the associated CCF files.
For example, if you want to add a fourth filter to the pipeline in the profile.ccf, include the following code after the profiler3 filter definition.
<Filter id="profiler4" filterDefRef="profiler">
<FilterParameter name="targetAttribute">
<ComposerParameter name="prof4.targetAttribute"/>
<FilterParameter name="targetValue">
<ComposerParameter name="prof4.targetValue"/>
<FilterParameter name="alias">
<ComposerParameter name="prof4.alias"/>
<FilterParameter name="client">
<ComposerParameter name="prof4.client"/>
<FilterParameter name="server">
<ComposerParameter name="prof4.server"/>
<FilterParameter name="separator">
<ComposerParameter name="prof4.separator"/>
<Input filterRef="profiler3"/>
<Filter id="epic_serializer" filterDefRef="epicSerializer">
<Input filterRef="profiler4"/>
The profiler4 filter is now the input for the last filter in the pipeline (epic_serializer).
2. Add the filter parameters to the Interface section of the CCF file to which you want to add the profiling attributes. All CCF files include similar profile filter settings.
For example, if you want to use the fourth profiling attribute with the Edit > View Profiled Document menu option, you would add the following code to the profile.ccf file after the &profilerParameters; entity.
<Parameter name="prof4.targetAttribute"
<Parameter name="prof4.targetValue"
<Parameter name="prof4.alias"
<Parameter name="prof4.client"
<Parameter name="prof4.server"
<Parameter name="prof4.separator"
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