Configuring System Default Values
In the atidefaults.bcf file, the createdefaults element has the following available attribute settings:
• useroverride — This attribute setting enables or disables user-overrides to the burst configuration. When off, users cannot create document objects or change object creation parameters outside the boundaries of the burst specification. In this mode, users are given the following restrictions:
◦ The > menu option does not open the Save As Properties dialog box.
◦ Users cannot specify where new objects are stored in the PTC Server.
◦ Users cannot specify the name of the top-most document object.
If useroverride is set to off, new objects that are burst configuration files will have their object name set to match the name of the file from which they are imported. Be sure to name the burst configuration files on the file system correctly before saving them in the repository.
When useroverride=on (the default), the users can specify where new objects are stored in the PTC Server. The following burst configuration settings in the atidefaults.bcf configuration file are ignored in favor of those specified by the user:
◦ dmslocation — Users can select their own storage locations in the PTC Server for text objects. dmslocation must specify a full path name or Logical ID. dmslocation cannot be a relative path or URL.
◦ dmsgraphiclocn — Users can select their own storage locations in the PTC Server for graphic objects. dmsgraphiclocn must specify a full path name or Logical ID. dmsgraphiclocn cannot be a relative path or URL.
◦ namerule in defaultnamecriteria — The namerule for the "topmost-is-filename" setting will be ignored in favor of the user's specified name for the top-most document object. Any other child document objects within the document will be named according to the naming rules in the burst configuration file.
In addition, the following burst configuration settings in the document-type-specific burst configuration file are ignored:
◦ locnrule in dmslocation — Users can select their own storage locations in the PTC Server.
Note that if the Use location rules for child objects check box is selected in the Save As Properties dialog box, then the user selected location only applies to the top level object.
◦ namerule in namecriteria — The namerule for the "topmost-is-filename" setting will be ignored in favor of the user's specified name for the top-most document object. Any other child document objects within the document will be named according to the naming rules.
• maxnamelen — Defines the maximum number of characters in any object name. The default is 72 characters.
• objectreuse — Controls whether object reuse is enabled. When set to on (the default), the object reuse mechanism is used to avoid creating duplicate objects in the PTC Server when importing new documents. When set to off, object reuse is not enabled; all graphics, entity references, and XML inclusions in imported documents are added to the PTC Server regardless of whether they are duplicate objects. The default value is on.
Note that even when objectreuse is set to off, Arbortext Editor does not create duplicate objects during the same burst operation. For example, if the same graphic is referenced more than once in a document that graphic is only imported into the repository once when the document is added to the repository. However, if that document is burst again in a later check in that graphic will be imported into the repository a second time.
The importing of graphics, entities, and inclusions is also dependent on settings in the document type-specific burst configuration file. Refer to
Enabling object reuse for details.
• toplocked — Controls whether the topmost document object is locked for editing after bursting. When set to on, the topmost document object will be locked. When set to off the object will not be locked.
With the initial check in for new objects, if you set toplocked to on and you have bursting rules that set PTC Server properties on the topmost object, the properties will not be saved until you check in the object. If you cancel the check out, the object properties will be lost.
• filereference — Controls whether the default reference created by the Browser's Insert button and > menu choice is XML inclusion or file entity. When set to xinclude, the object will be referenced using XML inclusions. When set to entity, the object will be referenced using a file entity.
If this attribute does not exist, the current value of the filereference option will be used as the default. If the document-type-specific burst configuration contains an object boundary rule that matches the element, the object boundary rule will override this attribute.
• twowaymetadata — Controls whether two-way metadata is enabled. When set to on, values can be passed back and forth between PTC Server properties and XML document attributes or content. When set to off (the default), two-way metadata is disabled and only values from XML documents can be passed to PTC Server properties. Disabling two-way metadata can improve performance when documents are checked out of the repository.
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