Configuring Rules for an Information Structure or Publication Structure
If you are using the Windchill Service Information Manager feature with your PTC Server, you can configure your burst configuration files to burst objects into your Information Structure or Publication Structure. You can set the Information Structure location or Publication Structure in the dmslocation and dmsgraphiclocn elements in the system-wide burst configuration and in the locnrule element in the document-type-specific file. In either case, you specify that you want the burst location to be in the Information Structure by adding the special syntax ASPS and PUBS for Publication Structure to the location path.
The following example shows the location path for an Information Structure in a Product context:
The following example shows the location path for an Publication Structure in a Product context:
An Information Structure or Publication Structure is only available in the context of a Product or Library. In either case, you must specify the Product or Library name in the path. InfoStructName refers to the Information Structure itself, and any objects burst to this location are put at the top level of the hierarchy. An Information Structure hierarchy can also contain groups and other Information Structures. The Publication Structure hierarchy can also contain publication sections and other Publication Structures. NodeName refers to the name of the group or structure at a lower level in the hierarchy that you want to use as the burst configuration location.
Refer to the Windchill documentation for more information about Windchill Service Information Manager and Information Structures.
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