LogicalGroup Element
Mixed content model:
((ProfileRef | LogicalGroup | LogicalNOT),
(ProfileRef | LogicalGroup | LogicalNOT)+)
operator (AND | OR | XOR | EQUAL) #REQUIRED
The <SetProfileGroup> element defines a logical expression group
The element can have the following child elements:
<ProfileRef>, <LogicalGroup>, <LogicalNOT>
The <LogicalGroup> element has the following attribute:
operator = AND | OR | XOR | EQUAL
Specifies the logical operator to use. The operators have the following resolutions when comparing values A and B:
AND — A logical conjunction. The expression is true if both A and B are true.
OR — A logical disjunction (an inclusive OR). The expression is true if A, B, or both, are true.
XOR — A logical inequivalence (an exclusive OR). The expression is true if either A or B is true, but false if both A and B are true.
EQUAL — A logical equivalence. The expression is true if both A and B are true, or if both are false.
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