oid_find_child_attrs (oid, arr, attr[, value[, flags]])
This function fills the array arr with all the oids of the descendents of oid that contain the attribute attr with the value of value. If OID is oid_null(), then the entire document tree for the current document is searched. If value is null, then the descendent is returned if attr is set to any value. The flags parameter is a bitmask specifying the search options, and is constructed by using OR with the flags from the following list:
• 0x01 — Return after first match
• 0x04 — Match case (search case-sensitive)
• 0x08 — The supplied value is a regular expression (flag 0x04 is ignored)
• 0x10 — Match only attributes of declared type ID. If attr and value are both null, then all elements having an ID attribute are returned.
• 0x20 — Match only attributes of declared type IDREF or IDREFS. If attr and value are both null, then all elements having an IDREF or IDREFS attribute are returned. This bitmask is ignored if the document is freeform XML.
This function returns the number of oids stored in the array arr.
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