show ids
show ids [output=filename]
This command displays the
IDs and ID References dialog box that lists all IDs used in
ID and
IDREF attribute values and locates any errors in their usage. Attribute values given for
IDREF must have a matching
ID attribute of the same value. File (external) entities are included in the search for
ID and
IDREF attributes.
If you have applied an alias map to the document, the show ids command will display aliases for attribute values that have been assigned aliases.
The menu item > is the same as the command show ids. In a file entity Edit pane, selecting IDs and ID References or using the show ids command displays the same ID list as the parent document. You can't check just the IDs of a file entity unless that entity is edited as a separate document by opening a file entity Edit pane from within the document Edit pane.
If the -output option is selected, this command instead writes a list of cross references to filename, where filename can be the name of a file (this could be a complete path name). A right angle bracket (>) preceding the file name causes the list of aliases to be appended to the end of the file.
show ids
show ids output=c:\ch3_lou\crosrefs.txt
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