window { pct | /string/ | down | up | line,col} [ -c | -noc] [ -e | -noe] [ -t | -not] [ -wrapscan | -nowrapscan] [ -q | -noq] -nocaret -wheelup -wheeldown
This command positions the Edit pane so the line specified by the argument is the first line on the screen. The -pct argument specifies a number between 0 and 100 and represents the percentage in the document that should be scrolled to the top of the screen. If 0, the beginning of the document is displayed; if 100, the end is scrolled into view.
If /-string/ is specified, the line containing the next occurrence of the specified string (or pattern if -e is also given) is scrolled to the top of the screen. Any of the standard string delimiters may be used in place of “ /”.
If -down is specified, the document is scrolled so the bottom line on the screen is moved to the top, corresponding to the PAGE DOWN key.
If -up is specified, the document is scrolled so the top line on the screen is moved to the bottom, corresponding to the PAGE UP key.
If -wheeldown is specified, the document is scrolled down the number of lines that correspond to the current setting for the scroll wheel on the pointer device, usually three lines.
If -wheelup is specified, the document is scrolled up the number of lines that correspond to the current setting for the scroll wheel on the pointer device, usually three lines.
If -line,col is specified, the line containing the character at the specified location is scrolled to the first line on the screen. Allowable values for -line and -col are the same as for the caret command. However, only relative line numbers may be specified.
The -nocaret modifier specifies that the cursor position should not be changed even if it is off the screen after the document is scrolled to the new top line.
The other modifiers here work like the modifiers for the find command.
window 50
win 100
win up
win /<section>/ -t
win +2,0
win bottom+1,0
win -2,0
win bottom,0
win (bottom-top)/2,0
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