format [ continue | onepass | allpasses | layout | quit | stop | help | tokendump | insert string | delete n] [ force | auto] [ wait | nowait]
Use the format command to control the formatting process.
The following primary options are available.
• format continue (the default) resumes or starts formatting. If formatting stopped due to an error, Print Preview will resume with the page containing the error.
• format onepass makes one pass to reformat the entire document.
• format allpasses formats the document as many times as is necessary to complete auxiliary entities such as citations, indices, and tables of contents.
• format layout formats the document in the same way as the allpasses command and creates a layout file in addition to the dvi file.
• format quit ends document formatting and unloads the formatter. The formatter will be reinitialized and reloaded if formatting is requested again.
• format stop suspends document formatting; formatting can be resumed later with format continue.
The following commands are valid only when a preview or print job has been stopped by an error. They're useful for debugging formatter errors (as directed by Technical Product Support):
• format help which requests a help message from the formatter.
• format tokendump which displays what the formatter was processing when the error occurred.
• format insert string which sends the specified string to the formatter for interpretation.
• format delete n which deletes n tokens.
The auto and force options are mutually exclusive and control whether Arbortext Editor decides if formatting is necessary.
• The (default) auto option lets Arbortext Editor decide whether the document needs to be formatted or not. Arbortext Editor will trigger formatting if the document has not been formatted yet during the current session, or if the previous formatting command left the document in the refmt-needed state, or if the document has been modified since the preceding formatting command. If the document instance is up to date with regard to formatting, then format auto will not reformat the document instance.
• The force option means to perform at least one formatting pass regardless of whether Arbortext Editor thinks it is necessary.
The wait and nowait options control whether Arbortext Editor should wait for the format to complete before continuing to execute commands.
The nowait option is the default. However, if you are running Arbortext Editor with a -c option from the command line, Arbortext Editor will always wait for the print to complete, even if you specify the nowait option.
• The wait option instructs Arbortext Editor to wait until the format process is complete before continuing with subsequent commands. If formatting fails, your function can return a non-zero error status and retrieve the error message from the variable main::ERROR.
• The nowait option instructs Arbortext Editor to continue processing and perform the formatting in the background. This is what usually happens when you choose > or > .
fmt is a synonym for the format command.
fmt cont
fmt onepass
fmt allpasses auto
fmt allpasses force wait
fmt quit
fmt stop
fmt help
fmt tok
fmt ins '\showthe\hsize'
fmt delete 5
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