Langage des commandes Arbortext > Commands > show aliases (show alias)
show aliases (show alias)
show aliases [output=filename]
show alias name [output=filename]
show aliases displays all the currently defined aliases.
show alias name displays the definition of the alias named name.
If output is specified, this command writes a list of aliases to filename where filename can be any of the following items:
The name of a file (this could be a complete path name). A right angle bracket (>) preceding the file name causes the list of aliases to be appended to the end of the file. An exclamation point (!) preceding the file name causes the file to be rewritten, if it exists, without the prompt for confirmation.
An asterisk (*) specifying the message window. If preceded by a right angle bracket (>), the output is appended to the message window instead of replacing its contents. Additional predefined message windows msgwin2, msgwin3, or msgwin4 use the specifiers output=*2, output=*3, and output=*4, respectively.
A question mark (?) preceding the output file name. If the file name starts with a question mark, the file name is actually a variable name whose value is set to the output produced by the command. If the second character is a right angle bracket (>), the output is appended to the current value of the variable instead of replacing it.
A dash (-) specifying standard output. (This is typically the window from which you started Arbortext Editor.)
show aliases
sho aliases output=myaliases
sho aliases output=>allaliases
sho alias rename_entity
sho alias find_id output=myalias.txt
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