comment text
This command causes the command parser to ignore everything from the comment command to the next semicolon ( ;), the next right curly brace (}), or the end of the line—whichever comes first.
The pound sign (#) provides a second type of comment which suppresses everything that follows it on the line.
Comments can be used to annotate a file or to prevent commands from being executed.
com is a synonym for comment.
com The pscr alias prints the screen;
ali pscr print unformatted screen
# This is useful when working on documentation
# map f3 {it italic; is /Arbortext/; caret 0,+1}
alias C_ {comment};
# Uncomment message command when debugging
$m=$d.".menu"; C_ message "$d/$m"; edit $d/$m
caret 0,/<.*>/; # put caret after next start tag
# The following alias redefines the "save" command
# to be nonoperative:
alias save {comment}
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