change_tag [ [ -all] newtagname | -panel]
In the Edit view, this command renames the closest tag, tag pair, or entity reference to the left of the cursor to newtagname. In the Document Map view, this command renames the closest tag, tag pair, or entity reference to the right of the cursor if the cursor is at the start of a line (that is, between the element icon and the element name); you can control this behavior with the set docmapcurrenttag=off option.
If you have applied an alias map to the document, newtagname can be either an alias or a real name.
Typing change_tag (or simply ct) at the command line brings up a panel that serves as a palette of all tags in context at the point of the tag being changed. If you have applied an alias map to your document and Tags is the selected Mode, the Elements list will display aliases, rather than real names, for tags that have been assigned an alias. You must direct the panel to perform an action before you can continue working. Specifying -all renames all occurrences of the closest tag left of the cursor to newtagname. If no arguments are given in the ct command, -panelis the default, which causes the Change Tag panel to appear.
ct is a synonym for change_tag.
ct _comment
ct -all ii
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