doc_flatten (type, delete_declarations, doc)
This function flattens a file; substituting the contents of an entity reference with the actual content of the entity. You cannot undo this operation.
The “Entity XXX referenced in another entity” warnings result from recursively defined entities and can usually be ignored.
The type string specifies:
file — flattens file entities only.
text — flattens text entities only.
both — flattens both text and file entities.
include — flattens XIncludes only.
all — flattens all text and file entities as well as XIncludes.
conref — flattens DITA content references only.
You may specify more than one type by connecting the types with a plus sign ( + ). For example, the following value for type would flatten both XIncludes and DITA content references: include+conref.
delete_declaration is an optional boolean parameter that controls if the entity declarations should be removed from the document. 1 means remove the entity declarations, 0 means keep the entity declarations. The default is to keep the declarations. For example, if type is all, and delete_declaration is 1, then all file and text entity declarations will be deleted.
doc is an optional document identifier. The default value is the current document.
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