result = com_prop_get(handle, prop[, arg1[, argn]])
Retrieves the value of a property in a COM object previously attached to using com_attach or one returned by a method called previously.
The handle parameter is an object handle returned by a call to com_attach or returned by a previous call to a COM method or property.
The prop parameter is a character string that gives the name of the property to be obtained.
All other parameters (if any) are parameters for the property. If a property requires an extra parameter, it is most likely an index for an indexed property. Each parameter will be converted to the type expected by the interface being invoked.
The return value will be converted to an appropriate ACL type before being used. If it is a COM interface, it will be converted into a handle to the interface which can be used in subsequent calls to com_call. The handle must be released using com_release when no longer needed.
docsh = com_prop_get(wordh, "Documents")
The above example gets a handle to the Documents collection assuming that wordh is the handle returned in the example for com_attach. This handle could then be used to open a document, and return a handle for it, using a call like the following:
doch = com_call(docsh, 'C:\Temp\Sample.DOC', 0, -1)
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