mouse_at ([window[, flags]])
This function returns a string describing the object beneath the mouse cursor in the window specified by window. If the argument is omitted or 0, the current window is used.
The following strings are returned by mouse_at:
attr.Name — in the Document Map, the object is an attribute line and Name is the attribute name displayed, for example,
attrval.Name — in the Document Map (or an expanded attribute in Column view), the object is an attribute value and Name is the attribute name for which the value is displayed, for example,
cellattrval.Name — over a cell in Column view, and Name is the attribute name for which the value is displayed in the cell, for example, If no attribute exists for the element in a Column view cell, then Name is set to unknown.
columnview.ruler_boundary— in Column view, the object is a boundary between two columns in the heading (used for column resizing).
equation— object is an equation image.
icon.icontype — object is the display icon icontype for the current element. Possible return values for icontype are in the following table.
Table 28. Available icon names
Default use
This is an image of a yellow-filled start tag and a magnifying glass
Indicates that an element has attributes assigned to it.
This is an image of a yellow-filled start tag and a magnifying glass with an A in it on top of the start tag, with a red line through both.
Indicates that an element has attributes assigned to it and at least one of those attributes is not legal for the current document type definition.
This is an image of a grayed box with lines in it with a red line through it.
Indicates an element whose element name is not legal for the current document type definition.
This is an image of a yellow padlock.
Indicates a document object accessed by a Repository Adapter is locked or checked out by the current user.
This is an image of a yellow landscape page with the top-right corner turned down.
Indicates a comment element.
This is an image of a plus sign in a square.
Indicates that the element's contents are collapsed and hidden from view.
This is an image of a blue check mark in a square.
Indicates that an SGML element is part of a data Marked Section
This is an image of a question mark in a yellow square.
Indicates a document object accessed by a Repository Adapter that is neither locked nor checked out.
This is an image of a portrait page with the top-right corner turned down.
Indicates a document.
This is an image of a rectangle with lines in it.
Indicates an SGML or XML element.
This is an image of a gray rectangle.
Indicates an element with no content.
This is an image of a gray left-pointing arrow.
Indicates an end tag.
This is an image of a square root sign with an alpha symbol in it.
Indicates an equation element.
This is an image of a minus sign in a square.
Indicates that the element's contents are expanded for viewing.
This is an image of a yellow file cabinet.
Indicates a referenced file entity.
This is an image of a yellow triangle, a blue square, and a gray circle.
Indicates a graphic element.
This is an image of a gray key.
Indicates a document object accessed from a Repository Adapter that is locked or checked out by the current user but is unavailable.
This is an image of a gray, three-dimensional box.
Indicates a document object accessed from a Repository Adapter that is neither locked nor checked out by the current user and is unavailable.
This is an image of a gray lock.
Indicates a document object accessed from a Repository Adapter that is locked or checked out by another user and is unavailable.
This is an image of a yellow check mark.
Indicates that an SGML element is part of an ignored Marked Section
This is an image of a yellow lock.
Indicates a document object accessed by a Repository Adapter is locked or checked out by another user.
This is an image of a question mark in a yellow box.
Indicates where a required element is missing.
No icon displayed.
This is an image of a gray octagon with a yellow pencil over the top of it with a black line through the pencil.
Indicates a element that is not editable.
This is an image of a grid with a blue header.
Indicates a table element.
icon.ElementInlineContent— in Column view, the object is an element with content (text or inline elements) that is not displayed.
name.TagName — in the Document Map, the object is the name field next to the icon and TagName is the name displayed, for example, "name.para" if over the paragraph element <para>.
null — no object, in the case of an empty file.
tag — object is a tag (either start or end). This includes entity references, processing instructions, and all other non-image markup.
tabl.location — the object is the location pertaining to the current table. Possible return values for location are:
toprule is the top most rule for a table.
bottomrule is the bottom most rule for a table.
rule_horiz is any horizontal rule of a table besides the top and bottom rules.
rowmargin is the left-most rule of a table, or to the left of it.
rightrule is the right-most rule of a table, or to the right of it.
rule_vert is any vertical rule of a table besides the right and left-most rules.
cellmargin is in the left margin of a cell. This is used for cell selecting.
cell is any other location in a cell.
ruler_horiz is any horizontal rule of the table ruler.
ruler_vert is any vertical rule of the table ruler.
other is reserved for any other location in a table.
text — object is text.
flags is an optional bitmask that controls the value returned when the cursor is over a tag in a table cell. It has the following flag:
0x001 — Being over a table cell is more significant than being over the cell’s contents. For example, if the cursor is over a tag that is inside a table cell, the function returns tabl.cell when this bit is set. Otherwise, the function returns tag.
Note, that this function is most useful when called from a mouse button mapping. If invoked outside a mouse button mapping, then the previous mouse pointer position in the specified window is used.
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