set doctypecachesize
set doctypecachesize= size
This command controls the size of an internal cache that retains document type information and associated stylesheets during a Arbortext Editor or Arbortext Publishing Engine session. The first time a document is opened, the associated document type and stylesheet are compiled (if needed) and loaded. When the doctypecachesize option is enabled, an empty document for the same document type and stylesheet is created and loaded in the cache. This causes Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine to retain the associated document type and stylesheet, improving performance when another document of the same type is opened.
The default cache size is 20, which is the number of document type and stylesheet pairs retained in the cache. If the cache size is exceeded, the oldest document type and stylesheet pair is removed from the cache. You can set the cache to a value between 0 and 50. Setting the cache size to 0 clears and disables the cache, causing a document's document type and stylesheet to be loaded every time you open a document.
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