sess_get_create_info (sesshdl, return_array)
For the session sesshdl, this function builds an array return_array containing the system-wide object creation information that is not specific to a document type definition (DTD). The return_array is an associative array and can be used to build a user interface that shows default values for a new object and allows the user to override those defaults.
The array is the same for all adapters. Some adapters do not use all the indices in the array; these indices will be left empty.
The ACL array return_array will contain the following data:
Array index
Value description
Determines whether Insert and Share Object will create an entity or an XML inclusion. Possible values are xinclude or entity.
Determines whether the object is flagged for full text searching.
Default version label that indicates that an object is the official current version.
Default version label that tells the adapter to load the working copy of an object, followed by the “official” current copy (if no working copy exists).
Default maximum name length for document objects.
Root object type for Arbortext Editor objects.
Default version label that indicates that an object is a working copy.
Determines whether the topmost document object is locked for editing after bursting.
If sesshdl is invalid, or the operation fails, the function writes error data to $main::ioerr and returns a zero (0). If the operation is successful, the function returns a one (1).
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