It is important to note that the order in which items appear in this table are arbitrary. All operators have equal precedence to ACL.
Table 4. Expression operators assignment table
$i = 1 sets the value of $i to 1.
$i += 2 increases the value of $i by 2. (Same as $i = $i + 2)
$i -= 2 decreases the value of $i by 2. (Same as $i = $i - 2)
$i *= $n increases the value of $i by a factor of the value of $n. (Same as $i = $i * $n)
$i /= 3 divides the value of $i by 3. Note that integer arithmetic is used; thus, if $a=5, the command $a/=3; message "$a" yields 1, not 1.6667. (Same as $i = $i / 3)
$i %= 5 changes the value of $i to the remainder of the value of $i divided by 5. (Same as $i = $i % 5)
$s .= ".pub" concatenates the string .pub to the end of the string represented by $s. (Same as $s = $s . ".pub")
$i &= 7 zeros all but the low order 3 bits of the value of $i. (Same as $i = $i & 7)
$i |= 1 sets the low order bit of the value of $i to 1. (Same as $i = $i | 1)
$i ^= 1 inverts the low order bit of the value of $i. For example, if $i is 5, sets $i to 4. (Same as $i = $i ^ 1)
$i <<= 2 multiplies the value of $i by 4. (Same as $i = $i << 2)
$i >>= 2 divides the value of $i by 4. (Same as $i = $i >> 2)
The following operators are numeric and require numeric operands:
+, -, *, /, &, ^, |, <<, >>, %, ~, ++, and ––
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