Getting Online Help for Commands
Get online help for commands and command functions from the Arbortext Editor online help window. Also get help for commands or a specific command using the Command line.
Locating online help for a command or command function in the online help
Open the online help Arbortext Command Language (ACL) section. This section contains several section covering commands, functions, callbacks and so on. View the specific topics you're seeking help on.
Getting online help using the command line
At the Arbortext Editor window command line, enter any of the following commands:
• For a list of commands:
help commands
• For a specific command:
help <commandname>
where <commandname> is the name of the command, function, callback, or hook (or its abbreviation).
• For a list of functions:
help functions
• For an overview of callbacks:
help callbacks
• For an overview of hooks:
help hooks
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