oid_treeloc (oid[, sep_char[, top_level_oid]])
This function returns a string indicating the tree location in the current document of the tag specified by oid. For example, the returned string 1.3.2 refers to the second tag (2) of the third tag (3) of the first tag (1) in the document.
Specify a separator character sep_char to delineate the values in the string with a character other than “.”, which is the default.
To limit the size of the returned value, specify a top_level_oid. This sets the parent tag at which the tree location will begin. If you do not specify a top_level_oid, the first value in the returned tree location represents the first tag in the document containing oid.
If you specify an oid within a file entity, this function will not search back into the parent document .
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