catalog_ids (kword, arr[, regexp[, path]])
This function returns all identifiers found in the catalog files specified by the path path for the specified keyword kword and match the regular expression specified by regexp. The number of entries found is returned.
The function has the following parameters:
• kword — A string that is a keyword indicating the type of entries that should be matched.
This parameter is required and is case insensitive. The following keywords are valid:
◦ PUBLIC — Entries using public identifiers, such as PUBLIC and DTDDECL entries.
◦ NAMES — Entries using names, such ENTITY, DOCTYPE, LINKTYPE, and NOTATION entries.
◦ SYSTEM — Entries using system identifiers.
◦ URI — Entries using universal resource identifiers
◦ DOCBURST — Entries using bursting specification identifiers
• arr — The name of the numerical array that contains the list of identifiers.
This is a required parameter.
• regexp — A string that is a regular expression for filtering the entries.
This parameter is optional with * being the default.
• path — A string that is the catalog path to use.
This parameter is optional with the value of option("catalogpath") as the default.
# Find the public identifiers for DITA DTDs in the current catalog path.
local A[], cnt
cnt = catalog_ids("PUBLIC", A, "-//.*//DTD DITA")
# Find the universal resource identifiers for DITA schema modules in the current catalog path.
cnt = catalog_ids("URI", A, ":dita:.*:xsd:")
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